Sun rise.

Very true. And to my daughter, Stephanie, please take these words to <3…

5 loaves, 2 fish....did someone say Fish?

I have decided that stressing over things is the most intellectually void thing that we as humans do. The sun will come up in the morning, no matter what. The funny thing is no matter how much you stress over it, not only will the sun come up, but you most likely will sleep right through it! The point is things happen and they come and go, and we move on. The stress was virtually waisted.

Preparation on the other hand is diametrically opposed to stress in my opinion. Knowing that the sun will come up tomorrow, I would like to actually watch it come up. So in preparation I will go to bed early(this is for my own sake not the suns) and check an almanac for sunrise time, and then set my alarm appropriately. If my clock is aging, I may check it works properly. And here is…

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